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“Delivering With Integrity”— Mary Crosby
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Books published by Mary M. Crosby and promoted by Graphic Designer MC. Click the link below to order books on BLURB and Amazon! I help people publish meaningful books!
Most recent book Published March 9, 2024. Mary Crosby's Quotes Wallet:
New: On Amazon:
POWERFUL PRAYERS OF THE BIBLE - A Guide For Using God's Word In Prayer
Paperback & Kindle:
PRE-COLLEGE-PREP-A Guide For Real-Time College Experiences
Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CBW7K9PR
Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C9SDLN3B

Pre-College-Prep helped prepare us for college and allowed us as a group to make the best of our future college education. Not only can we embrace criticism but received it constructively to help us apply feedback to our projects and help us grow. We learn to implement good suggestions that bring our work to the next level. Thank you, Ms. Crosby, for giving us the tools to be successful in college.
Amanda Bruney
Yonkers-School 17

Mary has always strived to be the best at what it may be. In terms of graphic design, she volunteered to create a spreadsheet for my business that was amazing. Mary also did beautiful postcard ads. I love the 2-page editorial spread she did about me. The 4-page magazine spreads she created was great. All of her designs were professionally done which showed the talent that she possesses in intuitive creation of what she sensed in all of the designs. I believe that any person hires her for any type of design, she will put maximum effort into the work for satisfaction. She is one that I can say put customers first.
Grace Asquith
A Call To Create
Grace A. Design

I am very pleased with the service I received The postcards that Mary designed for my friend's wedding reception, were amazing. I kept it as a souvenir. That is one card that I will never forget. I was trying to surprise my friend by getting the cards for them, but I was pleasantly surprised. I would order from her again. Graphic Designer MC is my go-to place any time I need a card, an ad, or a magazine spreads.
Jo Anne Martinez

Thank you for helping me to edit, draft, and published my first book.
Kenneth B. Whitney

Thank you for helping me publish my first book: "The Girl Who Never Listen."
Mary Jackson

Website Building Testimonial in Progress.
Kenneth B. Whitney
The Heavenly Star
Music Gospel Rap/Love Songs